"@Anno" works, but "@com.comany.Anno" does not.
Parser fix attached.
Issue Links
Mauro Talevi
made changes -
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Fix Version/s | 1.7 [ 11160 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 1.6 [ 10814 ] |
Eric Redmond
made changes -
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] |
Dennis Lundberg
made changes -
Dennis Lundberg
made changes -
Fix Version/s | 1.7 [ 11160 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 1.6.2 [ 14091 ] |
Dennis Lundberg
made changes -
Status | Resolved [ 5 ] | Closed [ 6 ] |
Benjamin Bentmann
made changes -
I tried to apply this patch. After attempting to recreate a failing testcase. Well modify an existing one to fail at least:
public void testAnnotationTokens() throws Exception {
String in = ""
+ "@Copyright (year = 2004, month = \"Jan\")\n"
+ "@Note(\"Just ignore me\")\n"
+ "@foo.Bar\n"
+ "public class LexerTest extends TestCase {}\n";
Lexer lexer = new JFlexLexer(new StringReader(in));
assertLex(Parser.AT, lexer);
assertLex(Parser.IDENTIFIER, "Copyright", lexer);
assertLex(Parser.PARENOPEN, lexer);
assertLex(Parser.IDENTIFIER, "year", lexer);
assertLex(Parser.COMMA, lexer);
assertLex(Parser.IDENTIFIER, "month", lexer);
assertLex(Parser.PARENCLOSE, lexer);
assertLex(Parser.AT, lexer);
assertLex(Parser.IDENTIFIER, "Note", lexer);
assertLex(Parser.PARENOPEN, lexer);
assertLex(Parser.PARENCLOSE, lexer);
assertLex(Parser.AT, lexer);
assertLex(Parser.IDENTIFIER, "foo.Bar", lexer);
assertLex(Parser.PUBLIC, lexer);
assertLex(Parser.CLASS, lexer);
assertLex(Parser.IDENTIFIER, "LexerTest", lexer);
assertLex(Parser.EXTENDS, lexer);
assertLex(Parser.IDENTIFIER, "TestCase", lexer);
assertLex(Parser.BRACEOPEN, lexer);
assertLex(Parser.BRACECLOSE, lexer);
assertLex(0, lexer);
The thing sure fails as expected, but after the application of the patch (and the regeneration of it does not pass.
Thus I cannot apply. I need help to work thru this